
 もっと鍼灸師ができることがあるという思いから小児鍼技術の伝承と小児鍼の普及を目指し発足した。しかし、児童虐待や育児を苦にした母親の自殺や心中など心の痛い事件が多い時代。 その原因の中には小児鍼の適応症が多く含まれていることに警鐘を鳴らす「大師流三世谷岡賢徳」。

"I want to protect a child's smile!" "Child's smile is a treasure of the earth ...".In case
Based on the idea that more acupuncturists can do it, it was established with the aim of spreading pediatric acupuncture techniques and disseminating childhood acupuncture.However, there are many cases of mental pain, such as suicide by mothers who have suffered from child abuse and child rearing and the heart.The cause of the alarm ringing that many indications for pediatric acupuncture is included among them are "Taishi Shikisan 3 Ken Tanioka".
I swear to spread traditional treatment to young acupuncturists who said "Smile from children disappears if not done now!"The association is such a childhood gathering.Twenty years after the inauguration.
Spiritlessly convey the "secret of Daikon's style" that has been regarded as an outrage for 130 years.



★ I feel very pleasant when I gently stroke my skin.The child knows the feeling the most.
Once I visited the Daishi style childhood baby, when I learned the pleasant feeling, the child became a smile and "do it again!" "Do it more!"An encore comes.All the children who receive children of the Daishi style child love "Daishi style child glue"!"Daishi style children got a child smiling" It is said that it is "a magical beam".
At the Daishi style children 's girls' association, I am seeking a "worker" that can make such "magical hands".


無毛皮膚にある皮膚固有受容器細胞のメルケル盤は、優しくゆっくりと撫でられると、機械刺激を受容し、かつ信号を求心性神経に伝えます。1)またメルケル細胞を取り囲む「C触覚線維」は、有毛皮膚のみ存在し、毛包を取り囲み、毛の動きに反応し、縦走・輪状槍型終末とともにゆっくりと刺激を伝達します 。広汎で心地よく、優しくなでられた時だけ信号を伝達し作用します2)この結果、機械的圧迫刺激などの外因によって興奮するTRPV3センサーは、ATPを放出し、コルチゾールを合成するとともに、放出するオキシトシンとカルシウムイオンの濃度変化を感知し、サイトカインを放出します。3
 大師流小児鍼は、鍼先が鈍的で皮膚にあたる上下圧がある他の小児鍼と異なり、鍼を引くように使用し、鍼先が鋭利で皮膚にあたる上下圧が小さいことが特徴です 。鍼の上下圧が少なければ少ないほど、反応点(大師流反応点)に的確に接触することが可能 となります。

Difference from other childhood acupuncture
Daishi style pediatric acupuncture is "Sanshin acupuncture" made of steel with jacket. It is processed by plating. The acupuncture point is sharp at the tip of the set of three sides. The handle side is called "acupuncture head" and it is rounded, it is used also for "acupuncture head vibrating" etc.
However, it is not used to insert acupuncture. Hide the acupuncture in the hand so that it can not be seen from the eyes of the child, gently rub it like gently stroking the skin surface with acupuncture. I touch it with speed of about 150 times per minute, so it feels like being stroked with feathers.
By means of this specially processed "material of acupuncture", a chemical reaction is caused between the skin and the acupuncture by stroking the part called "reaction point" (reaction point of Daishi flow) of the skin with a certain number of times and constant pressure , It contributes to sending information transmission substances (such as ATP) from the "keratinocytes" that are gap-bonded at the outermost layer of the skin.

Also, when the Merkel plate of the skin-specific receptor cell is pushed gently and slowly, it accepts the mechanical stimulation and transmits the signal to the afferent nerve. 1) "C haptic fiber" surrounding the Merkel cell exists at the terminal only hairy skin, surrounds the hair follicle, responds to the movement of the hair, and slowly transmits with the longitudinal and annular spear type endings. It transmits extensively pleasant signals and acts only when gently stroked. 2) As a result, the TRPV3 sensor excited by external causes such as mechanical compression chemistry stimulates ATP and synthesizes cortisol. It also senses changes in concentration of oxytocin and calcium ions released and releases cytokines. 3)

Unlike other contact acupuncture points, Daishi style child acupuncture differs from that of other contact acupuncture in that the traction pressure that draws acupuncture is small, the acupuncture point is sharp, and the acupuncture point is sharp and falls on the skin It is characterized by small pressure. The smaller the pulling pressure pulling the needle is, the more accurately it is possible to contact the reaction point (Daishi flow reaction point).

I believe that "Oxytocin" caused by such gently stroking stimulus can suppress the body's mental excitement and improve immunely. Children will be pleased with the stimulus according to the physical condition of the child, and "child's smile" is made.These situations are also very useful for parents.

International journal of science
Published: 06 April 2014
Epidermal Merkel cells are
mechanosensory cells that tune
mammalian touch receptors
Srdjan Maksimovic, Masashi Nakatani, Yoshichika Baba, Aislyn M. Nelson, Kara L. Marshall,Scott A. Wellnitz, Pervez Firozi, Seung-Hyun Woo, Sanjeev Ranade, Ardem Patapoutian &Ellen A. Lumpkin
Nature 509,617-621 (29 May 2014)

2011 Dec 23;147(7):1615-27. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2011.11.027.The functional organization of cutaneous low-threshold mechanosensory neurons.
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PMID 22196735 /PMCID PMC3262167

田上 八朗、皮膚の医学 肌荒れからアトピー性皮膚炎まで (中公新書) 新書 – 1999/3

